Lyrics - 'Menschenfeind' CD


vitality declining
passing into
a shadow state
between existence
and its opposite

shattered mirror
broken baphomet
nervous burn-out
fever in the soul

the dream of heaven
turned into hell

freezing in the flames

malevolent mystics
shadows feeding
seeping in the cracks
tainted by the past

burn it all away

victim of the chemical cascade
there is nothing left to gain
there is no one else to blame

back to the grave

sometimes i feel like
i'm shaking to pieces
broken thoughts collide in
a fractured mind
every day i feel the hate grow inside
giving in to all my demons
i hate this thing i have become
rotting from the inside out
desperate to connect with anyone

every paradise corrodes in hell

this world is sick and depraved
there is no god, you can't be saved
in the afterlife i'll be your slave
just take me back to the grave

atrocity burns my eyes
transmute compassion into blood
feeding ghosts on the scraps
of the soul

this world is sick and depraved
there is no hope, you can't be saved
in the afterlife i'll be your slave
just take me back to the grave


i never wanted to feel this way
burning inside consumed with hate
watching the spirit putrefy
it all bleeds out

witness the species' slow demise
less than a beast no soul no mind
this deformed creature nature despised
collapses into the shadow inside

infected phantoms replicate the hate
feeding on souls they desecrate

a slave to instinct fear and violence
reality's absurd antagonist
humanity becomes animosity
rancor devours the seeds of empathy

rancor devours the seeds of empathy

sense of decay

the years go rushing by
in decadence and wasted time
trapped in a twisted pantomime

look alive but feeling dead
seething monsters in my head
what has this world done to me?

friends fade and people change
every day a little more deranged
is this what you thought life would be?

looking back across time
watching friendships in decline
i'll never see that face again

living backwards through the years
love and hope replaced by fear
i'll never feel that way again

always this sense of decay
it taints my thoughts every day
try to freeze a moment in time
aware of everyone slowly dying
just take these dreams away

all this decay

looking back across time
watching all your friendships die
i'll never see their face again

living backwards through the years
love and hope replaced by fear
i'll never feel that way again

always this sense of decay
it takes my soul every day
try to catch a moment in time
aware of everything slowly dying
just take these dreams away

200666 -

we're all so fucking sick
complicit in our own decay
all sense of spirit drained away
souls devoured by the void
a toxic need to be destroyed

new world order paralyzed
pyramid eye has gone blind
blood keeps feeding the machine
science has satanic schemes

acid attacks in bangladesh
suicide bombers and terrorist threats
the beast unfettered instincts reign
another drug for our veins

there is no more truth
the cleansing of perception
the demon feeds on youth
and hates its own reflection

we are all the victims
of our own shadows

the world is a monster
humanity is the devil

the image once shocked
now becomes routine
hypnotic visions
through the plasma screen
never to question
what it means
we all fade out
in narcotic dreams

flesh is the prison
fear is the control
the animal is winning
in us all

the animal is winning
in us all

wish you dead

soulless creature filled with hate
abomination of the human race
action devoid of consequence
nihilistic consciousness
nature's mistake
abandoned by fate

cultural decay sublime
civilization in decline
everything you touch you infect
with a wretched state of living death
cruelty for its own sake
worship death and feed on hate
nexus of black energy
the species' own worst enemy

yeah i fucking hate you
yeah i want to cut off your head
yeah i'll shoot you in the fucking face
and every day i wish you dead


in chemical lust we worship life
every pleasure is a sacrifice
the altar of your body burns
in fantasy your passion yearns

altered mind
a sacred crime
these dark desires
dissolve in time

poison thoughts
burning skin
lust is not
your only sin

the blood that stains
the burnt remains
your ecstasy becomes profane
ingested dreams of parasight
a ritual in the secret night

altered mind
a sacred crime
your consciousness
dissolves in time

that's what you are

that's what you are

human waste

fuck you
you're just human waste
a toxic disease
nature's disgrace

fuck you
you poison the air
you poison the trees
you poison the ground

fuck you
you torture the animals
you torture the earth
you torture yourself

fuck you
for all the violence
for all the suffering
for all the hate

fuck you

this whole world is coming down
you feel your life spinning round

fuck you

fuck you
for child killers
for all the murders
for all the rapes

fuck you
creature of ignorance
creature of apathy
creature of spite

fuck you
for all your arrogance
for all your avarice
for all your lies

fuck you
for your hatred of peace
for your hatred of love
for your hatred of life

this whole world is crashing down
just feel the wheel spinning round

beat yourself dead

do you beat yourself dead
do you tear yourself down
do you cut yourself by candlelight?
do you beat yourself dead
is it all in your head
or do you seek your punishment in real life?

did you internalize the abuse?
did you become the victim in your own mind?
was it sexual
was it physical
was it emotional
did you survive?

in the this day and age there are no masters
only slaves
only slaves
to the shadow inside
to the shadow inside
it can't be denied

this is how they claim your power
this is how they rule it all

do you beat yourself dead
do you tear yourself down
do you cut yourself by candlelight?
do you beat yourself dead
is it all in your head
or do you seek your punishment in real life?

so many bruises, so many scars
the world is a monster

do you beat yourself dead
do you tear yourself down
do you cut yourself by candlelight?
do you beat yourself dead
is it all in your head
or do you seek your punishment in real life?

we pass on these memes like a disease
the replicating virus scheme

do you beat yourself dead
do you tear yourself down
do you cut yourself by candlelight?
do you beat yourself dead
are you fucked in the head
or do you inflict the pain with a knife?

so many bruises, so many scars
humanity is the devil


nightmare transformation
carrion corpses vultures feed
a vision of yourself as the enemy

a mind in chemical collapse
cannot believe what is perceived
every exit is an entrance someplace else
the labyrinth of heaven leads to hell
enter the avatar chaos moves in mystery
the catalyst that drains the poison out of me

sidereal influence
the sickness bleeds
re-integrate on a higher plane
the pattern emerges, the future changes shape

all fucked up in the head
time to ghost myself again

murder the appetite
transmute desire
evolving into
something higher

all fucked up
now i'm dead
ghosted in the dark again